Join White Rock Elks
Embrace Community, Make a Difference

Benefits of Membership

Meet new friends
Make a difference in your community
Belong to an organization that fundraises for those in need
Access to meetings, special events and our George Street Lounge.
Low membership fee
Serving the community since 1958

Being an Elk means more than just joining; it means actively participating and contributing to our shared mission of service and camaraderie.

Throughout the year, we host a variety of events and fundraisers that benefit our community, and as an Elk member, you are expected to volunteer and support these initiatives. Your involvement is crucial to the success of our efforts and reflects the core values of our organization.

Once you are a member, you’ll receive further information about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and how you can get involved. We encourage you to embrace this opportunity to give back and connect with fellow members who share your passion for service.

Registration Fees

Renewing Members
Individual $72; Family Add-On $54

New Applicant
Individual $97; Family Add-On $79

New Applicant Pro-Rated Fees
Joining Apr – Jun
Individual $79; Family Add-On $65.50
Joining Jul – Sep
Individual $61; Family Add-On $52
Joining Oct – Dec
Individual $43; Family Add-On $38.50

If you have any questions or problems, please email us at or call us at 604-538-4016.